Switzerland Explored
(Hiking Web App)
As a hiking enthusiast, I wanted to create a place where I could gather all my hiking experiences in Switzerland and share them with others. Every user can create an account and add own hikes to the app. All hikes are visible on a map and presented on the explore page and users can search for specific hikes by location, name or hiking difficulty. Logged in users can also leave reviews and add hikes to their bookmarks.
I built the basic CRUD (create, read, update, delete) functionality for this web app during an online Full Stack Web Developer course. After that, I added:
- my own design
- a profile page for authenticated users
- a function to bookmark hikes
- a filter function to search for specific hikes on the explore page
- responsive web design to ensure a pleasant experience on desktop, mobile and tablet
Skills, tools and technologies I used in this project:
- CSS3
- Javascript
- Bootstrap
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Heroku
- Git
- Photoshop
- Lightroom