Coding a Pomodoro Timer - Part 4

  • Coding
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript

July 21, 2023

In the previous post, I set up various event listeners and introduced the "startTimer" function. However, I haven't created some of the necessary functions yet. Now, let's dive into the implementation of those missing functions within the "startTimer" function:

disableSettings() and enableSettings()
I'll create two straightforward functions: one to disable all settings buttons and another to enable them. By having these two functions, I can easily control the settings' availability in my future code using just a single line of code.

Javascript code

This function will be used to convert the time duration into a formatted string representing the time in minutes and seconds. The padStart(2, "0") method is used to add leading zeros to ensure that both minutes and seconds are displayed as two-digit numbers (in the format "mm:ss").

Javascript code

Next I'm going to need a function to calculate the time progress ("calculateTimePassed") and a function I'm calling "setCircleDasharray". This function will calculate the appropriate dash length based on the fraction of time that has passed and will update the SVG circle's "stroke-dasharray" attribute accordingly, giving the appearance of a progress indicator. The "stroke-dasharray" attribute will control the pattern of dashes and gaps used to draw the circle's stroke, allowing for the visualization of the timer's progress.

Javascript code

The next function I'll create will dynamically update the color of the circular progress bar (SVG path) based on the reamining time left in the timer. It will use the predefined color codes for the different time thresholds ("info", "warning" and "alert") to determine the appropriate color. The color is applied by adding and removing specific CSS classes to the SVG element, representing the different colors.

Javascript code

In the "startTimer" function, the final step involves calling the "onTimesUp" function. As the name suggests, this function will manage actions and state changes when the timer reaches 0. It will stop the timer, enable the timer settings, disable the "start" and "pause" buttons, enable the "reset" button, play a sound to notify the user (this function still needs to be written), and initiate the break timer (another function I still need to code).

Javascript code

Now that I have added all the necessary functions for the "startTimer" feature, let's implement additional functionalities to enhance the timer's capabilities.

This function will allow the user to pause the timer and resume it later. First I'll check if the timer is paused. If it's "true" and the "pause" button is clicked again, the timer will be resumed by reassigning the "timerInterval" with a new "setInterval()" function that updates the timer display, progress, and checks if the timer has reached 0. The icon in the "pause" button will also be updated to show the current state (pause or resume) and the "isTimerPaused" variable will be set to "false".
Else, if "isTimerPaused" is set to "false", the "timerInterval" will be cleared, the pause/reset button will be updated and the "isTimerPaused" variable set to "true".

Javascript code

The purpose of this function is to enable the user to reset the timer at any given time. When the "reset" button is clicked, first the "timerInterval" will be cleared, which ensures that the timer stops counting down after the reset. Then, by calling the function "enableSettings()", I'll enable the settings buttons, so the user can change them after the reset. The "start" button will be enabled and the "pause" and "reset" disabled, since they have no use after reset. I'll also update the "timeLeft" variable to the value specified in the time duration indicator (the initial time duration) and display it. The function "setCircleDasharray()" will recalculate and update the circle's dash array to reflect the new "timeLeft" value and the "setRemainingPathColor()" function call will update the color of the timer circle's remaining path based on the new "timeLeft" value. The "pause" button icon will also be updated and the variable "isTimerPaused" will be set to "false", ensuring that the timer is not considered paused after the reset. This is important to ensure the timer starts from the beginning when the user clicks the start button.

Javascript code

The main functions are done, we can now start, pause and reset the timer (please don't mind the language, I'm using this timer for my own purpose, that's why I'm using my native language which is german):

gif of a focus timer pressing start, pause and reset buttons

We've reached an exciting milestone in this post. But hold on tight. In the next and probably final installment, I'll code the remaining functions. Stay tuned and happy coding...